Program’s GoalsÂ
To create disability inclusion by strengthening the capacity and policies from the local to the national level, to ensure the fulfillment of rights, protection, and inclusive participation of the people with disability (PWDs) in all aspects of life.Â
Program Focus Â
PR Yakkum emphasises the importance of fulfillment of difable people’s rights and policy improvement from the local to the national level, including:Â
- Provision of access to essential servicesÂ
- Protection of people with disabilities from violenceÂ
- Livelihood enhancementÂ
- Systemic change to support policy changes that are more in favor of people with disabilityÂ
- Strengthening of disability inclusion movement coalitionÂ
Program StrategyÂ
- Ensuring the fulfillment of rights and essential services for people with psychosocial disability, their protection from violence, strengthening their family and society’s capacity in community-based rehabilitation and encouraging their participation in development.Â
- Encouraging employers, Training Centers, and empowerment programs to open employment access and inclusive entrepreneurship, including by providing soft loans for people with disability who run small businesses.Â
- Optimising forums in the disability inclusion movement coalition to create sustainable support to fulfill PwD’s rights.
Right-based ServiceÂ
PR YAKKUM focuses on the fulfillment of fundamental rights of the people with psychosocial disability by ensuring their full access to public services and rehabilitation centers. They provide protection from violence, increase participation in development, and develop families’ and community’s capacity for community-based social rehabilitation. This effort also includes capacity building for service providers, improvement of data management, and community strengthening. This program strengthens the national coalition through leadership and political education for people with disabilities.Â
Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR)Â
CBR aims to increase the capacity of health and reproductive health services for people with psychosocial disability through puskesmas (community health center), pustu (supporting health center), and posyandu (integrated health post). In addition, this program empowers the family and community in rehabilitation and collaborates with the government, private sector, and academics to fulfill the PwDs’ rights in inclusive employment and entrepreneurship.Â
Self-Help Group (SHG)Â
 The SHG was formed to increase the meaningful participation of people with mental disabilities in development. SHG provides social rehabilitation services, capacity building, and support to people with disabilities, their families, and the community. The goal is to achieve individual empowerment and raise awareness and social inclusion at the community level.Â
 Economic Empowerment and Increase of Access to Inclusive EmploymentÂ
PR Yakkum increases employment access for people with disabilities by enhancing the capacity of service providers from the village to the national level, facilitating the employers and Training Centers (BLK) to open more job opportunities for PWDs, and providing soft loans for micro-businesses with disability workers. They also bridge the community with local companies and strengthen village enterprises (BUMDES) and Community Training Centers (BLK Komunitas) to create local jobs for PWDs.Â
Optimisation of Disability Service Units (DSU/ULD)Â
PR Yakkum strengthens the DSU to ensure that PWDs receive services that follow their needs. These efforts include capacity building for DSUs in disability inclusion and sensitivity and coordination with various sectors to ensure more integrated services. PR Yakkum also ensures that the DSUs provide decent accommodation and accessibility and develops a monitoring and evaluation system to assess service effectiveness.Â
Strengthening Disability Movement CoalitionÂ
PR Yakkum cooperates with the disability coalition to advocate for the rights of PWDs, including accessibility, equal opportunities, and legal protection. This coalition is strengthened through training, coaching/mentoring, and facilitating dialogs between the government, civil society, and private sector.Â
Media Campaign for Advocating Disability InclusionÂ
PR YAKKUM optimizes social media for disability inclusion campaigns and increases partners’ capacity in media campaigns. They also collaborate with mass media to expand awareness on specific disability issues and strengthen support for disability inclusion. Â
Expected Outcomes
- Improvement in essential services, health services, and social rehabilitation services for people with psychosocial disability both in the community and rehabilitation centers.Â
- Implementation of mechanisms to protect people with psychosocial disability (PWPD) from violence.Â
- Decent and accessible accommodation for people with disability in accessing various services.Â
- Improved policies on social protection and development planning that are inclusive for people with disability.Â
- Strengthened coalition of people with disability organizations (DPOs) to advocate changes in the management system and create inclusive policies. Â
Throughout the INKLUSI Program implementation until July 2024, PR Yakkum has achieved the following:Â
- 10 community-based Self-Help Groups (SHG) were established and provide services for PwPD and PWDÂ
- > 190 PwPD, PwD, and other marginalised groups have accessed the services provided by SHG with INKLUSI’s support Â
- > 220 PWPD, PWD, and other marginalised groups have accessed the services provided by the government and other external services Â
- 43 PwPD and PwD have received capacity building to participate in public decision-making processes and forums Â
- 137 PwPD and PwD have participated in public decision-making processes or forumsÂ
Ensuring Essential Services
- Collaborating with Puskesmas in Mamuju, Southwest Sumba, Gunungsitoli, Sukoharjo, Wonogiri, and East Lombok to provide medical care, physical and psychological rehabilitation, and social support. Furthermore, PR Yakkum also partners with social housing in Wonogiri, Kebumen, Banjarnegara, and Gunungsitoli to strengthen social services.Â
- Developing the violence case referral mechanism for people with disability with various stakeholders.Â
- Collaborating with Australia Awards Indonesia to provide study opportunities in Australian universities for people with disability.Â
Psychosocial Disability Data Collection
- Collaborating with Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana to collect the data on PWPD’s needs in 6 provinces of the DIGNITY Program, namely Central Java (Wonogiri, Sukoharjo, Kebumen, Banjarnegara Districts), Banten (Tangerang City), West Sulawesi Mamuju District), North Sumatera (Gunungsitoli City), NTB (East Lombok), NTT Timur (Southwest Sumba)Â
Advocating for Inclusive Policies
Advocating for the issuance of the Regional Action Plan for People with Disability (RAD-PD), Local Regulation (Perda), District Chief Regulation (Peraturan Bupati), Circular (SE), and inclusive policies in various regions such as Southwest Papua, Banten, Central Java, West Sulawesi, North Sumatera, and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).Â
Job OpportunitiesÂ
Building partnership with private sector such as Lawson Indonesia and Alfamart and universities to provide inclusive job opportunities for people with disabilities.Â
Advocating for Inclusive Elections
- Monitored the people with disability’s participation in the election through political education and inclusive election.Â
- Submitted the election monitoring results to ensure more disability-inclusive elections.Â