INKLUSI’s overarching goal is to ensure no-one is left behind as marginalised people participate in, and benefit from, decisions about Indonesia’s development.
INKLUSI leverages the expertise of civil society organisation partners to progress gender equality, disability and social inclusion initiatives, including for the most marginalised, hardest to reach individuals or groups.
INKLUSI supports civil society partners to strengthen their organisational capacities to ensure sustainability.
INKLUSI connects civil society and government partners and facilitates collective action and collaboration to progress initiatives focused on gender equality, disability and social inclusion.
INKLUSI works to identify the many factors that determine the ability of marginalised individuals or groups to participate in and fully benefit from development.
INKLUSI seeks to understand the complex and cumulative ways that people experience, and are affected by, discrimination and exclusion, and works with Indonesian partners to address these barriers to leave no one behind.
INKLUSI Focus Issues
INKLUSI is focused on greater inclusion, including for women, people with disability and other marginalised groups. Specifically, INKLUSI is working to improve inclusion through these following four priority areas:

Improving Access
to Services

from Violence

Economic Resilience and Livelihoods

Inclusive Participation in Development
To do this, INKLUSI delivers the following activities:
Facilitates Collective Action
INKLUSI brings together civil society partners so that they can agree on, and pursue, priorities to further progress gender equality, disability and social inclusion.
Fosters Dialogue
INKLUSI facilitates dialogue and information sharing on gender equality, disability and social inclusion between civil society, government and service providers to strengthen inclusion through coordination and consistency.
Advice and Support
INKLUSI works alongside partners as they strengthen their approaches to gender equality, disability inclusion and social inclusion.
Capturing and Sharing Evidence
INKLUSI gathers robust evidence that can be drawn upon by advocates, policymakers, academics and others as they seek to progress towards greater gender equality and social inclusion.
Grant Management
INLKUSI awards and manages multi-year grants to civil society partners.
A considered,
evidence-based approach
INKLUSI works to gather evidence on the complex and lived experiences of marginalised people. We then work with Indonesian partners to build on this knowledge to address the barriers faced by marginalised people to participating in and benefitting from Indonesia’s development.
To do this, we begin by understanding that marginalised individuals or groups can experience multiple barriers to development, these may be physical, identity-based, or based on other characteristics. For example, a person may experience a disadvantage due to their gender, having a disability, and living in a remote area.
When an individual, or group of people, finds themselves unable to fully participate in society due to one or more factors, addressing the barriers they face is challenging. By taking a considered, evidence-based approach to identifying and understanding these barriers, INKLUSI and our partners can more accurately identify needs and advocate for the change needed to leave no-one behind
INKLUSI Program Logic
Support Activities
- Grant management
- Facilitating collective action
- Convening dialogue
- Advisory and technical assistance including GEDSI and monitoring, evaluation, research and learning
- Support for collaboration with Government and other stakeholders
CSO Capabilities
Partner CSOs are delivering on their mandates in a competent, adaptive, accountable and GEDSI-responsive manner.
Stakeholder partnerships and collective action
Strengthened coordination, policy dialogue and collaboration, between partner CSOs, government, private sector and key stakeholders in public policy and
Direct Outcomes
Partner CSOs empower marginalised people in the areas of:
- Access to services and protection from violence
- Inclusive citizenship and participation
- Economic recovery and livelihoods
Demonstration effects
Enabling environment
Systematic Outcomes
Partner CSOs, Government of Indonesia (GoI), and other stakeholders collaborate to support systemic changes in:
- GoI policy process
- ICSO enabling environment
- Social norms and public discourse
No one is left behind: More marginalised people participate in and benefit from decisions about Indonesia’s sociocultural, economic, and political development.
To strengthen the contributions of civil society, in partnership with government, to gender equality and disability and social inclusion.