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Implementing Partners

PEKKA – Foundation for the Women-Headed Family Empowerment

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The Yayasan Pemberdayaan Perempuan Kepala Keluarga/Foundation for Women-Headed Family Empowerment (PEKKA) is a civil society organisation (CSO) partner that focuses on empowering women-headed households in social-cultural and development economy aspects.

Through INKLUSI, PEKKA Plays a vital role in empowering women-headed households and other marginalised groups to access essential services, including legal identity, social protection, economic assistance, and decent livelihood. PEKKA is committed to creating conditions necessary to make marginalised people benefit from safety and able to exercise their rights to fully access essential services and achieve well-being through a just economic approach.

Work Area

PEKKA-INKLUSI Program works in 22 provinces and 34 districts, with Serikat PEKKA’s network that is spread at the provincial level, covering the following areas:

Program’s Goals

Improving women-headed households’ and other marginalised groups’ access and control to essential services and enhancing the well-being of marginalised communities through just economic approaches.

Program’s Focus

  • Encouraging problem solving and service provision
  • Encouraging the availability of accurate data as the basis for planning at the village level
  • Creating women enablers to respond the development of the local market

Program Strategy

  • Collecting the marginalised community’s aspiration regarding essential services, social protection, and domestic violence settlement.
  • Establishing a Stakeholder Forum (FPK) on just economy at the village to district/city level.
  • Building a network with the village to national governments and facilitating data collection and analysis between the community and government.
  • Strengthening women’s leadership in entrepreneurship through a just economy approach.
  • Documenting and distributing women’s experience-based knowledge, particularly women-headed households.



PEKKA’s Clinic for Information and Consultation Services (KLIK PEKKA) is a mobile service to help women-headed households, poor women, and other marginalised groups in remote areas to access government’s essential services that are hard to reach. Collaborating with the government and service providers, KLIK PEKKA collects marginalised communities’ aspirations regarding essential services, social protection, reporting of domestic violence, and provides the services that meet their needs.


PEKKA MOVE is a digital platform initiative that aims to expand the outreach and strengthen membership and network of the women-headed household community. The platform provides access to knowledge regarding social analysis and social protection for women-headed households, and strengthen PEKKA movement across Indonesia. PEKKA MOVE can be accessed at:


Ensiklopekka is a knowledge channel that aims to document and distribute women’s experience-based knowledge, particularly that of women-headed households. The platform serves as a collective knowledge archive, covering various topics from economic and social empowerment to the protection of women’s rights. Ensiklopekka is a vital tool for the women-headed household communities in disseminating lessons learnt and good practices, which can be accessed by the communities and any external parties interested in the issue of women-headed household empowerment.

Akademi Paradigta

Akademi Paradigta is an entrepreneurship training program and empowerment platform that aims to strengthen women’s leadership in entrepreneurship. The program teaches the necessary skills and knowledge to build a sustainable business to overcome poverty. Through its inclusive and community-based approach, Akademi Paradigta creates a network of support for women-headed households to share their experiences, challenges, and solutions. The initiative enables them to access the necessary resources and opportunities to achieve economic independence by utilising local resources in their area.

Diskusi Kampung (Village Discussion)

Diskusi Kampung (Diskam) is a discussion platform that provides a venue for women heads of households and other marginalised communities to share their experiences, challenges, and solutions related to the issues they face daily. The program aims to gather aspirations and inputs from the communities as an advocacy materials to the government and other stakeholders, and also serves as a dialog platform that highlights the active participation in decision-making that influence their life. In Diskusi Kampung, participants can discuss various topics, such as social protection, access to essential services, and violence prevention measures.

Expected outcomes

  • More marginalised communities obtain security because they can fully exercise their rights to access services
  • More marginalised communities become prosperous through just economic approaches


  • Throughout the INKLUSI Program implementation until July 2024, PEKKA has achieved the following:
  • > 2,350 marginalised people have accessed services through KLIK PEKKA with support from INKLUSI
  • > 2,460 marginalised people have utilized government and other external services
  • >180 marginalised people have received capacity building to participate in public decision-making forums or processes
  • >300 marginalised people participated in public decision-making processes or forums
  • >193 community-based economic groups were established and operated with INKLUSI’s support. This number includes PEKKA Mart, PEKKA business groups, and individual businesses
  • >1.780 marginalised people who are members of the community-based economic groups have been established and operated


Access to Social Services and Protection through KLIK PEKKA

  • KLIK PEKKA activities have been implemented in its beneficiary villages. The activity has reached >2,350 marginalised people and helped them access services, including civil registration, social protection, legal cases involving women and children, health, and education.
  • After achieving success in handling cases in the beneficiary areas, KLIK PEKKA facilitators became more confident in providing consultation and assistance services.


Society and Community Empowerment

  • More> than 40 community-based groups have provided information services related to women and child protection, which were delivered in the Forum Perempuan Desa (Village Women Forum) in 40 beneficiary villages.
  • The Diskusi Kampung has been implemented in 9 villages in 5 districts/cities, with >160 stakeholders involved to process KLIK PEKKA’s data related to social protection and divorce.
  • >180 PEKKA communities were involved in capacity-building activities related to political empowerment.


Participation in Decision Making

  • >300 marginalised groups have participated in the decision-making forums, including the Village Development Deliberation (Musrenbangdes), village level FPK, and Development Deliberations at the subdistrict, district, and provincial levels.
  • PEKKA was involved in the 2nd National Women Deliberation (Munas Perempuan) in April 2024, followed by more than 400 PEKKA communities from 32 districts/cities online and offline activities in Bali, which was attended by >30 community representatives, to deliver aspiration to support more responsive policies for women’s needs in social and economic development.
  • Collaborating in collective action with the other INKLUSI partners in the “Women and Vulnerable Groups Development Planning Meeting” (Musrenbang Perempuan dan Kelompok Rentan) to voice out the rights of marginalised women and other marginalised groups.


Local Economic Education and Development

  • The Paradigta Academy Class of Entrepreneurship graduation has been implemented in parallel in 22 districts/cities, followed by more than 700 graduates.
  • Serikat PEKKA in 27 districts/cities has recruited 672   prospective academics for the entrepreneurship class of 2024. There were >30 women economic accelerators that initiated 8 business groups, with a total of >120 members focusing on food processing from local source raw materials.
  • From 2022 until August 2024, in total there were were 2,948 business group members, spread over 193 group businesses and 44 individual businesses.
  • 7 local markets were established, particularly in the Districts of Lembata, Southwest Aceh, Trenggalek, and Kebumen.
  • There were 25 business groups involved in the supply chain that consisted of group and individual businesses.


Partnership with stakeholders

  • Collaborating with Local Government Units (OPDs) and stakeholder forums at the district/city level in solving cases that were collected from KLIK PEKKA, including support for settling administrative matters and unrecorded marriages.
  • KLIK PEKKA in Bulili and Sipatana Villages, Pahuwato District, has been implemented using the village budget.


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