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Implementing Partners

Kemitraan – The Partnership for Governance Reform

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About Kemitraan

KEMITRAAN is a Civil Society Organisation (CSO) dedicated to fostering partnerships among the government, society, and the private sector. Through the ESTUNGKARA Program—supported by INKLUSI and named for its focus on equality (kESetaraan) to eliminate (meNGhapus) injustice (KetidakAdilan), and discrimination (diskRiminAsi)—KEMITRAAN strives to promote an inclusive government in Indonesia. The program emphasises gender equality, social inclusion, and economic empowerment, particularly for indigenous peoples, women, children, people with disabilities, and other marginalised groups. 

The name ESTUNGKARA, derived from Sanskrit, meaning “the ability to face problems,” symbolises a commitment to eliminating injustice and discrimination. The program focuses on creating policies that enhance access to essential services, social protection programs, women’s political participation, and the economic empowerment of natural resource-based communities. In partnership with INKLUSI, KEMITRAAN is dedicated to ensuring equal opportunities for all in inclusive development, working towards a just and equitable society.

Work Area 

KEMITRAAN-INKLUSI operates in 7 provinces and 13 districts/cities, collaborating with 10 local CSO partners, namely:

  1. Yayasan Citra Mandiri Mentawai/YCMM (West Sumatera)
  2. Komunitas Konservasi Indonesia Warsi/KKI Warsi (Jambi)
  3. Pundi Sumatera (Jambi)
  4. Karsa Institue (Central Sulawesi)
  5. Sulawesi Community Foundation/SCF (South Sulawesi)
  6. Yayasan Bentang Borneo Indonesia/YBBI (Central Kalimantan)
  7. Pusat Pengembangan Sumberdaya Wanita/PPSW Jakarta (Banten)
  8. Rimbawan Muda Indonesia/ RMI (Banten)
  9. Perempuan AMAN (East Nusa Tenggara)
  10. Lembaga Bumi Lestari (East Nusa Tenggara)


Program’s Goal 

The ESTUNGKARA Program seeks to encourage an inclusive government that prioritises all segments of Indonesian society, with a particular focus on marginalised groups such as adat communities, ethnic minorities, women, children, and Person with Disabilities (PwDs). The program aims to ensure that government policies at the village and district levels become more inclusive which enhance marginalised groups’ access to essential services, social protection programs, and support for victims of violence. 

Program’s Focus  

  • Enhancing access to essential services and providing protection for victims of violence. 
  • Promoting inclusive participation in development processes. 
  • Strengthening the economic resilience of communities by optimising natural resources. 


Program Strategies 

The ESTUNGKARA Program empowers adat communities and ethnic minorities to develop critical awareness and self-reliance in advocating for their needs. To achieve this, KEMITRAAN employs the following strategies: 

  • Facilitating access to essential services for adat communities and ethnic minorities. 
  • Integrating the Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) approach into policies. 
  • Empowering women, adat communities, and ethnic minorities through economic opportunities. 
  • Eliminating violence against women and children. 
  • Strengthening multi-stakeholder forums, including government, civil society organisations, media, academia, and the private sector. 
  • Building institutional capacity for community-based businesses. 
  • Conducting equality campaigns targeting youth. 



Capacity Strengthening for CSOs and Government on GEDSI 

Enhancing the capacity of CSOs, local governments, and communities in the areas of GEDSI through workshops, training, and advocacy efforts. It aims to promote inclusive policies and practices, improving the ability of CSOs and communities to provide effective services and protection to vulnerable groups. The program includes capacity building in inclusive and gender-sensitive planning and budgeting, the formation of women’s deliberation forums, and training for customary leaders on GEDSI to foster social acceptance and inclusive policies at the village, district, and customary institution levels. 

Capacity Strengthening for Adat Communities and Ethnic Minorities on Gender Equality 

Empowering adat women and ethnic minorities by enhancing their understanding of human rights and gender equality. Through training, advocacy, and dialogues, the program ensures that gender perspectives are integrated into policymaking. The approach includes support from women facilitators, capacity building for women cadres, and ensuring the involvement of adat women, ethnic minorities, and PwDs in policy-making processes at various levels, from community to local and subnational governments. 

Economic Empowerment through Optimised Natural Resources Management 

Improving the economic conditions of women, adat communities, and ethnic minorities by optimising the management of natural resources. It supports the establishment and strengthening of community business organisations, conducts field schools, and facilitates the recognition of customary forests. The program provides assistance in management, leadership, product quality, packaging, and marketing. It encourages collaboration between iadat women and ethnic minority business groups with the economic sector, local governments, and the private sector to build a sustainable market ecosystem. Additionally, the program facilitates the process of securing business legality to enhance recognition, access to capital, training, and broader marketing opportunities. 

Expected Outcomes 

  • Adat communities and ethnic minorities benefit from improved access to essential services, social protection, government programs, and protection for victims of violence. 
  • National, subnational, and adat institutions adopt policies, allocate budgets, and implement programs that enhance access to essential services, support the participation of women, adat communities, and ethnic minorities, and address challenges related to natural resources management. 
  • The economic conditions of women, adat communities, and ethnic minorities are strengthened through optimised natural resources management. 



Throughout the implementation of the INKLUSI Program up to July 2024, KEMITRAAN has realised the following milestones: 

  • >3,700 marginalised people have accessed government and external services. 
  • >1,300 marginalised people have received training to participate in public decision-making forums. 
  • >2,000 marginalised people have actively participated in public decision-making processes or forums. 
  • >1,000 marginalised people are involved in established and operational community-based groups. 


Inclusive Education Access 

  • Developing ‘Sekolah Lapang’ as a learning centre for adat communities to address their everyday challenges, including farming, post-harvest management, and other entrepreneurial activities, by utilising local resources. 
  • Establishing ‘Sekolah Kolong’ to promote inclusive education access for children of adat communities. 


Contribution to Policies and Regulations for Violence Prevention 

  • Created a working paper on “Space for Justice and Guarantee of Adat Women’s Protection from Sexual Violence.” 
  • Developed protocols for the protection of women and children within the Mentawai adat community. 
  • Drafted Village Regulations (Perdes) for the protection of children, women, and PwDs in Maros and Enrekang Districts, South Sulawesi. 
  • Contributed to the creation of Village Regulations No. 003 of 2023 concerning the protection of children, women, PwDs, and adat community in Bonto Manurung Village, Tompobulu, South Sulawesi. 


Referral Mechanism for Violence Cases Against PwDs 

  • Collaborated with stakeholders to develop a referral mechanism for cases of violence, including those affecting PwDs. 


Development of Community-based Economic Groups 

  • Established saving-loan cooperatives in areas populated by adat community and ethnic minorities. 
  • Promoted the formation of Koperasi Lampion Merah (Red Lantern Cooperative), consisting of ethnic minority members, with > IDR 90 million capital and >100 women members. 


Support for Business and Economic Groups  

  • Received local government support for training, technical assistance, and funding for materials, equipment, land, and capital. 
  • The economic group of Suku Anak Dalam (Anak Dalam Tribe) received fish seeds, pellets, and equipment to establish three fish nursery ponds. 
  • Assisted the Disability Forum in East Sumba to receive livestock support. 


 Economic Innovation and Empowerment for Marginalised Groups 

  • Utilised farming and fishery yields from business groups in Maros, Enrekang, East Sumba, and Jambi to support village stunting programs, contributing to household food resilience and stunting prevention. 


Participation of Women, PwDs, and Youth in Public Decision Making 

  • Established Women’s Forums, Disability Forums, and Youth Forums in 36 villages, contributing to Sub-village/Village Deliberation and Village Development Deliberation (Musrenbangdes) for input into decision-making processes. 


Find out more about stories of change, good practices, and the lives of adat communities and ethnic minorities at  

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