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BaKTI Foundation and Maros District Government Commemorate the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence and International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023

On December 4th, 2023, INKLUSI Partner BaKTI Foundation, in collaboration with the Maros District Government, organised a collective event to commemorate the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (#16DaysActivism) and the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023. Held at the Maros Regency Public Service Office, the event aimed to raise awareness among the community and local government agencies (OPD) to support violence prevention and foster an inclusive environment in Maros Regency.

At the event, the Maros Government inaugurated the Commissioners of the Local Disability Commission (KDD) and the Disability Service Unit (ULD) for Employment under the district labour office to honour the Maros Government’s vision to provide inclusive public services. A talk show on “Inclusive Public Services” was also conducted, featuring speakers and respondents from relevant departments and the community.

BaKTI Foundation and Maros District Government Commemorate the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence and International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023 - INKLUSI

“The Maros Government wants the rights of persons with disabilities to be fulfilled, such as access to education and employment opportunities,” expressed Chaidir Syam, Head of Maros District in his opening speech. “Persons with disabilities have great potential and abilities. Therefore, it is crucial to provide fair and equal opportunities and access for persons with disabilities in the community,” he continued.

The Maros District KDD is the first district-level KDD to be established in South Sulawesi with seven commissioners, four of whom are persons with disabilities. The KDD is responsible for ensuring the fulfilment of disability rights in the district, including inclusive access to education and employment opportunities.

Through the INKLUSI Program, the BaKTI Foundation has collaborated with the Maros District government to enhance inclusive participation in development and strengthen relevant institutions in preventing and addressing violence against women, as well as fulfilling disability rights. 

BaKTI Foundation and Maros District Government Commemorate the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence and International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023 - INKLUSI

Maros Regency has demonstrated progress towards this mutual goal through the initiation of 12 Inclusive Villages (Desa Inklusif), which includes increasing the representation of persons with disabilities in decision-making forums at the village level. This reflects the successful collaboration between BaKTI Foundation and Maros Regency, achieving inclusive participation in the development process.

“On behalf of the Maros District government, I express gratitude and appreciation to the INKLUSI Program, BaKTI Foundation, and the Disability Service Unit, who have been instrumental in raising awareness and assisting the community in Maros Regency,” concluded Chairil Syam in his closing remarks.

Through this collaboration between the INKLUSI-BaKTI Program and the Government of Maros, it is hoped that Maros could be an equal, just, and inclusive society, leaving no one behind in development.

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