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#16DaysOfActivism: From Officiating Child Marriage to Becoming a Prevention Advocate

#16DaysOfActivism: From Officiating Child Marriage to Becoming a Prevention Advocate

Joharis is the Head of Hamlet in Tikonu Village, Wundulako District, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. He is a key local stakeholder engaged by INKLUSI’s CSO partner, ‘Aisyiyah, to address child marriage. As the village head, Joharis had previously officiated child marriages, including those involving junior high school students.

However, following the collaboration between ‘Aisyiyah and the local government through INKLUSI Program, a Village Regulation (Perdes) on Preventing Child Marriage was established. This initiative gave Joharis deeper insight into the risks associated with child marriage, such as health complications, higher divorce rates, domestic violence, and the challenges faced by young parents. Now, he is become a strong advocate for preventing child marriage in his community.

Through the INKLUSI Program, ‘Aisyiyah has strengthened local women’s leadership and increased access to health services and economic opportunities, focusing on Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI).

Source: Change Log INKLUSI

About ‘Aisyiyah and INKLUSI

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