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INKLUSI Engages with the Deputy Minister for Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection to Strengthen Collaboration on Inclusion and Protection

INKLUSI Audiensi dengan Wakil Menteri PPPA 3

The INKLUSI Secretariat, along with its partners  Inclusion Center and Advocacy Movement for the Disabled (SIGAB Indonesia), Yakkum Rehabilitation Center (PR Yakkum), Kemitraan,  and Lakpesdam PBNU, recently held a meeting with the Deputy Minister for Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (MoWECP), Veronica Tan, to explore strategic opportunities for collaboration in advancing inclusion and protecting the rights of women and children.

During the discussion, the Deputy Minister underscored the critical need for data integration to bolster protection efforts. INKLUSI shared its ongoing initiatives, including community-level data integration with government systems such as the Unified Database for Social Welfare Programs (DTKS) and support for the Regsosek program. The dialogue also addressed accelerating responses to cases of sexual violence by fostering synergy between government services and Civil Society 0rganisations (CSOs).

INKLUSI Audiensi dengan Wakil Menteri PPPA

The Deputy Minister acknowledged the significant role that CSOs play and highlighted the importance of enhanced coordination in implementing programs that advance protection and empowerment. Future steps will focus on piloting the Ruang Bersama Merah Putih initiative and strengthening cross-sector collaboration.

This meeting represents a vital step towards fostering robust partnerships between government agencies and strengthen collaboration between MoWECP and INKLUSI CSOs  to deliver more inclusive and responsive services for women and children across Indonesia.

INKLUSI Audiensi dengan Wakil Menteri PPPA

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