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Bridging Local Government to Achieve an Inclusive Community: Affirmative Good Practices from NTT

Bridging Local Government to Achieve an Inclusive Community: Affirmative Good Practices from NTT

Jakarta – The Strengthening Diversity and Inclusivity to Realize a Resilient and Harmonious Indonesia conference was held in Jakarta from 19-20 October 2022, with a focus on mainstreaming human rights at the regency/city level in Indonesia.

The conference which took place at the Royal Kuningan Hotel and focused on one of the core principles of mainstreaming human rights a cooperative relationship between the government as a stakeholder and local organiszations and communities. Efforts to respect, promote, protect and fulfil the rights of persons with disabilities cannot be seen as the sole responsibility of the central government; it is a responsibility that lies at all levels of government including local governments.

Conference participants explored the application of ‘affirmative practice’ across all parties which promoted acceptance and openness to achieve common goals. Considered good practice, the formal application of affirmative practice is currently being pursued by the Provincial Government of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

According to data from the NTT Social Services Office, around 0.15% (8,081 people) of the NTT population are persons with disabilities, with varying distribution per district/city. The highest distribution of persons with disabilities, namely 973 people in Kupang District and North Central Timor District recorded the highest number of people with disabilities, with 973 and 1,053 people living in these areas respectively. Almost Based on these data, almost half (around 3,378) of the persons with disabilities lived with multiple disabilities.

Bridging Local Government to Achieve an Inclusive Community: Affirmative Good Practices from NTT
Dina Noach gives an explanation of government policy in NTT

Learning Affirmative Good Practices from NTT

The NTT Provincial government provides a good example of disability-inclusive development in action. They are , applying their affirmative action with initiatives such as: employing persons with disabilities, providing opportunities for persons with disabilities to work as civil servants. The Province also has, the the Governor Regulation no. 68 concerning the Protection and Fulfilment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in place, and involved persons with disabilities in the 2021 and 2022 Development Planning Meetings (Musrenbang). It has published a , the preparation and publication of the Disability Profile Book and prepared , Regional Regulations (Perda) for the Empowerment of Disabilities in NTT, which are currently in the process of numbering at the Ministry of Home Affairs Country.

The disability inclusive policy for NTT Province also targets disaster management and the sports sectors. Relevant department (dinas/OPD) and the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum (FPRB) are involved in disaster response during, pre- and post- disasters They are also involved in the; establishment of a Disaster Resilient Village (DESTANA); and the formation of the Disability Service Unit at the NTT Provincial BPBD. Moreover, the NTT government also supports athletes with disabilities who are members of the National Paralympic Committee.

Bridging Local Government to Achieve an Inclusive Community: Affirmative Good Practices from NTT
Alfonsus Theodorus’ presentation on the regulation of disability-inclusive policies

Nina Hendarwati, Partnership Coordinator of the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Program Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI), explained that the NTT Provincial Government had provided evidence of good practice extended beyond slogans, and was actively respecting, promoting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of persons with disabilities.

“The (NTT Provincial Government has demonstrated) concrete action by appointing Special Staff with disabilities and this is a step forward and proves that people with disabilities are capable and equal to those without disabilities,”
explained Nina.

Nina continued that the NTT Provincial Government was open to suggestions and recommendations from the disabled community and used the recommendations as their reference in every planning and development decision.

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