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About ‘Aisyiyah

‘Aisyiyah is an INKLUSI’s Civil Society Organisation (CSO) partner that focuses on Islamic-based women empowerment under the auspice of Muhammadiyah. ‘Aisyiyah promotes progressive Islamic movement that instills the values of goodness, justice, peace, and beneficial to all humankind. ‘Aisyiyah is currently active in more than 35 provinces in Indonesia and overseas. 

Through the INKLUSI Program, ‘Aisyiyah plays an important role in strengthening women’s leadership to increase access to health services and economic opportunities. With the Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) approach. INKLUSI-’Aisyiyah Program focuses on stunting prevention, fulfillment of sexual and reproductive health rights, prevention of child marriage, and women’s economic empowerment. 

Through collaboration, advocacy, and empowerment, ‘Aisyiyah encourages women to play equal roles in development to create sustainable prosperity and create an inclusive and just society. 

Work Area  

INKLUSI-’Aisyiyah Program operates in 5 provinces and 10 districts/cities, collaborating with the networks of Local and Regional ‘Aisyiyah Branches in the following regions: 

  1. West Java
  2. East Java
  3. South Sumatera
  4. South Kalimantan
  5. Southeast Sulawesi

Program’s Goals 

Poor and marginalised women have access to the efforts to reduce stunting, fulfillment of sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR), prevention of child marriage, and economic resources. 

Program Focus  

  • Stunting reduction 
  • Fulfillment of sexual and reproductive health rights 
  • Prevention of child marriage 
  • Economic empowerment 
  • Strengthening women’s leadership  

Throughout its development, ‘Aisyiyah-INKLUSI has also focused on the issues of employment and entrepreneurship for people with disabilities, inclusive education, and aging. 

Program Strategy 

‘Aisyiyah prioritises the full participation and strong leadership of marginalised women as key to improving access through the following strategies: 

  • Institutional strengthening 
  • Strengthening women’s leadership 
  • Group strengthening and empowerment in the community 
  • Network strengthening and policy advocacy 
  • Women’s knowledge management 


Balai Sakinah ‘Aisyiyah (BSA) 

BSA is a community-based group that provides education, consultation, complaint channels, and assistance related to SRHR, stunting, child marriage prevention, women’s leadership, and economic empowerment.  BSA aims to increase rights awareness and empower women and people with disabilities and facilitate their access to essential services. 

Rumah Gizi ‘Aisyiyah (‘Aisyiyah Nutrition House) 

‘Aisyiyah Nutrition House aims to improve nutrition and reduce stunting through a community approach. The program focuses on nutrition education, strengthening the role of the community and husband/father, and encouraging the involvement of various stakeholders. The initiative also supports food sovereignty to ensure sustainable access to nutritious food to prevent stunting. 

Gerakan Bina Usaha Ekonomi Keluarga ‘Aisyiyah (‘Aisyiyah Family Economic Business Development Movement/BUEKA) 

BUEKA is an economic empowerment initiative focusing on increasing capacity and welfare, particularly for poor women and people with disabilities. The program strengthens the human resources and businesses of ‘Aisyiyah women, group institutions, and builds partnership with various stakeholders.  BUEKA also develops ‘Aisyiyah MSMEs to enocurage sustainable family economic independence. 


Like-R is a sexual and reproductive health and stunting reduction education program for vulnerable adolescents, including adolescents with disabilities and those living in remote areas. Implemented in schools and communities, Like-R increases adolescents’ knowledge, awareness, and access to SRHR and stunting prevention. The program also aims to prevent maternal mortality rate (MMR) and stunting early on and form adolescent advocates to promote health. 

Griya Lansia (Elderly Housing) 

Griya Lansia ‘Aisyiyah aims to ensure that elderly people remain healthy, active, and productive through programs such as BSA Lansia and BUEKA Lansia, which focus on economic empowerment. The program also includes ‘Aisyiyah Elderly Day Care (Day Care Lansia ‘Aisyiyah/DCLA) with activities such as Pesantren Lansia (Elderly Islamic Boarding School), Madrasah Lansia (Elderly Islamic School), and Posyandu Lansia (Elderly Health Post), covering religious, psychological, health, and art aspects. Griya Lansia collaborates with clinics, hospitals, and educational institutions to ensure the services meet the elderly’s needs. DCLA was also developed in Garut, Probolinggo, Bantul, and Yogyakarta, including the Sekolah Lansia program that aims to increase the capacity of the elderly to be self-reliant and empowered, with materials on the elderly’s rights, health, psychology, development participation, and economy. 

Access to Education for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) 

‘Aisyiyah established a high school-level special school (SLB) to improve people with disability’s access to education. The SLB focuses on holistic learning, including life skills development, social adaptation, and encouraging PwD’s independence in the community. 

Job Readiness and Entrepreneurship for People with Disabilities 

The Job Readiness and Entrepreneurship Program for People with Disabilities collaborates with high school-level special schools (SLB), the Manpower Office, and industry to improve the welfare of people with disabilities. The program focuses on the development of soft skills, expanding access to internships and job opportunities, and supporting entrepreneurship in accordance with Law No. 8 of 2016. The program also encourages multi-stakeholder synergies to ensure that people with disabilities can get fair access to decent jobs. 

Violence Management through the Legal Aid Post (Posbakum) 

‘Aisyiyah provides free legal aid services through the Legal Aid Post (Posbakum) for women and children victims of violence. Posbakum focuses on prevention, handling, and victim assistance, including cases of sexual violence governed under the Anti-Sexual Violence Law (UU TPKS). Posbakum also highlights the prevention of child marriage as part of the INKLUSI Program. 

Expected Outcomes

  • Poor and marginalised women show behavioral change and play an active role in the efforts to reduce stunting, prevent child marriage, and fulfill sexual and reproductive health rights, with a GEDSI perspective.  
  • The Economic Empowerment Group members benefit from the economic empowerment programs. 
  • Service providers provide services in accordance with the community’s needs related to efforts to reduce stunting, prevention of child marriage, and fulfillment of sexual reproductive health rights with a GEDSI perspective.  
  • Governments at various levels and other stakeholders issue policies and/or allocate special budgets to support the efforts to reduce stunting, prevent child marriage, fulfill sexual and reproductive health rights, and economic empowerment with a GEDSI perspective.  


Throughout the INKLUSI Program until July 2024, ‘Aisyiyah has achieved the following:  

  • > 120 BSA have been established and provide services to marginalised communities. 
  • > 2,000 marginalised people have accessed services from BSA supported by INKLUSI. 
  • > 18,500 marginalised people have utilized government and other external services. 
  • > 6,100 marginalised people have been trained to participate in public decision-making processes.  
  • > 1,400 marginalised people have actively participated in the public decision-making forums. 
  • > 100 community-based economic groups have been established with INKLUSI’s support, including BUEKA, women farmers’ groups, fishers’ groups, and cooperatives. 
  • > 1,100 marginalised people have become members of community-based economic groups. 


Policy advocacy 

‘Aisyiyah has contributed to the development of policies for violence prevention through several initiatives, such as: 

  • Playing substantial roles in drafting a Ministerial Regulation on Prevention and Handling of Violence in Education Units from Pre-School until High School, and encouraging Local Action Plans on Child Marriage Prevention in West Muna (North Sulawesi) and Probolinggo (East Java), including by establishing a Women and Child Protection services in some villages in Probolinggo. 
  • Supporting the issuance of Village Regulation on Prevention of Child Marriage in West Muna (Southeast Sulawesi), Kolaka (Southeast Sulawesi), Tasikmalaya (West Java), Lahat (North Sumatera), Banyuasin (South Sumatera), Hulu Sungai Utara (South Kalimantan), and Probolinggo (East Java). 
  • Encouraging regional policies that strengthen services for marginalised groups, including people with disabilities, among others: 
    1.   Inclusive education policies 
    2.   MCH, nutrition, and stunting policies 
    3.   Policies related to Regional Action Plan on SDGs 
    4.   Inclusive policies: decent accommodation, inclusive villages, and Manpower Local Service Units (ULD). 

Handling of cases of violence  

  • ‘Aisyiyah has developed a violence case referral mechanism for people with disability through its Legal Aid Post (Posbakum). 
  • ‘Aisyiyah operates 27 Posbakums at the provincial and local levels, with 7 of them accredited by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. 
  • Together with INKLUSI partners, ‘Aisyiyah helped develop the Practical Guidance for Implementing the National Strategy for the Prevention of Child Marriage (STRANAS PPA) at the subnational level. 
  • ‘Aisyiyah has trained women’s groups to conduct policy advocacy and handle cases in the community. 

Community-based groups  

  • ‘Aisyyah has established BSA groups in its beneficiary areas, including the BSA Lansia and BSA Disabilitas. 
  • ‘Aisyiyah has established community economic groups such as BUEKA, farmer groups, fisher groups, and cooperatives. 
  • ‘Aisyiyah Farmers Groups received greenhouse assistance worth IDR75 million, seeds, livestock, equipment, land, and business capital from the government. 
  • ‘Aisyiyah documented good practices of farmer group empowerment as a source of knowledge about the economic conditions of marginalised groups. 

Economic and employment access 

  • Facilitating cooperative development for women, people with disabilities, and marginalised groups, including access to funding and government assistance. 
  • Strengthening the economic capacity of individuals and groups through skills and entrepreneurship training. 
  • Cooperating with the private sector and universities to open job opportunities for people with disabilities, including bread-making skills training with PT Indofood for the youth in Garut and Tasikmalaya, and provide internships through local MSMEs. 

Access to essential services 

  • ‘Aisyiyah has encouraged access to essential services for women and marginalised groups to social protection, population administration, health, education, stunting prevention, child marriage prevention, and handling of cases of violence. 
  • Facilitating wheelchair assistance for children with disabilities, health fee assistance for the poor, and renovation of habitable houses in Lahat and Banyuasin. 

Inclusive participation in development  

  • ‘Aisyiyah established the Pre-Village Deliberation Forum (Pramusydes) to involve women and marginalised groups, including people with disabilities, in village development planning. 
  • Encouraging the participation of marginalised groups in elections through political education and inclusive elections. 

Access to inclusive education 

  • ‘Aisyiyah has developed the Empowered Elderly Schools (Sekolah Lansia Berdaya) in 20 villages with more than 400 participants. 
  • Developed 12 special schools (SLB) for people with disabilities in Tasikmalaya, Garut, Ponorogo, Sidoarjo, and Lahat. 

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