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Public Dialogue to End Child Marriage in Tana Toraja

#16DaysOfActivism #colllectiveaction #tanatoraja

As part of #16DaysOfActivism, BaKTI and ‘Aisyiyah, supported by Program INKLUSI, conducted a public dialogue against Child Marriage from November 19 to20  in Tana Toraja, a district with the highest child marriage  prevalences in South Sulawesi. This initiative engages local governments, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), women’s organisations, children’s forums, and other relevant stakeholders to strengthen their knowledge and capacity, align multi-stakeholder actions, and utilise the Practical Guide to Implementing the National Strategy for the Prevention of Child Marriage (STRANAS PPA) as a key reference.

#16DaysOfActivism #colllectiveaction #tanatoraja

STRANAS PPA is a strategic framework developed by the Indonesian Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (Kemen PPPA) in collaboration with INKLUSI Program and UNICEF. It provides practical guidelines to support local governments—at the provincial, district, and municipal levels—in implementing child marriage prevention measures tailored to their specific mandates and authorities.

#16DaysOfActivism #colllectiveaction #tanatoraja #DP3A

“This initiative is crucial as it unites all key stakeholders to build strong networks and collaboratively address the prevention of child marriage. As a representative of the government, I urge everyone to take collective action to end child marriage. Together, we can create brighter futures for our children – ensuring they have access to education, good health, and the opportunities they deserve.” – Rante Limbong, the Office of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (DPPPA), Tana Toraja Regency.

#16DaysOfActivism #colllectiveaction #tanatoraja

Through INKLUSI Program, ‘Aisyiyah has been instrumental in advancing policies to prevent violence and protect children. Their efforts include providing insights in drafting a Ministerial Regulation on violence prevention in education, supporting local action plans to prevent child marriage, and advocating for inclusive policies.  Similarly, BaKTI strengthens access to services for women and children who are victims of violence through community-based services (LBK) and the establishment of Integrated Service Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) in seven districts.

Let’s work together to ensure no child loses their future too soon. Together for a safer and more inclusive Indonesia!

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