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Strengthening Collaboration through the INKLUSI Program Learning Forum

The Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI) Secretariat remains committed to empowering ivil society organisations (CSOs) to foster a more inclusive Indonesia. To ensure INKLUSI program sustainability, the Secretariat organised a INKLUSI Program Learning Forum, a medium for INKLUSI partners to exchange knowledge and experiences. 

The forum was held from June to August 2024 in Jakarta and Surabaya and comprised three sessions focused on different regions – Java-Bali, Kalimantan-Sumatra, and Eastern Indonesia. Each session was attended by around 200 participants from various partner organisations who shared innovations and approaches relevant to the issues they advocate for.  

The forum was interactive and collaborative. INKLUSI’s partners were encouraged to reflect on the challenges and achievements from the past two years of program implementation while reinforcing their sustainability strategies. Partners also revisited the gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) principles they are expected to implement, further strengthening their capacity to take on strategic roles within their respective organisations. 

Partners from the program implementation session reflected on their challenges and achievements while revisiting the GEDSI principles.
Partners from the program implementation session reflected on their challenges and achievements while revisiting the GEDSI principles and reinforcing their sustainability strategies.

The two-day forum covered three main sessions: program implementation, grant management and communications. During the program implementation session, participants engaged in small group discussions on topics such as access to basic services, economic empowerment through cooperatives, and participation in inclusive village planning. These discussions facilitated the exchange of on-the-ground experiences and enabled partners to adopt best practices relevant to their local contexts. 

“This event has been incredibly beneficial in helping us realign our understanding of GEDSI within our organisation while also fostering partnerships, collaboration, and cooperation among INKLUSI partner organisations,” said a participant from Solo, Central Java. 

Strengthening Collaboration through the INKLUSI Program Learning Forum - INKLUSI
The facilitator of the communications session delivered a presentation on digital content writing to create engaging and effective content.

The communications session was designed to enhance program delivery. INKLUSI partners were taught ways to leverage digital media to raise public awareness and advocacy efforts. They learned to create program content through photos, videos and infographics and build inclusion narratives through social media and organisational websites. With these communication strategies, it is hoped that advocacy messages related to GEDSI will reach broader audiences and amplify the impact of the INKLUSI program across various sectors. 

“I found this activity very helpful, from the substantive content to networking and gaining new perspectives. It also provided technical insights into executing effective communication strategies, particularly stakeholder analysis for social media, using social media for advocacy, and measuring the impact of inclusivity campaigns,” shared a participant from Yogyakarta. 

Strengthening Collaboration through the INKLUSI Program Learning Forum - INKLUSI
Partners and the facilitator of the grants session were reflecting on the implementation of grant management procedures.

The grant management session provided participants with updated information on grant management procedures, fraud control and sustainable grant management. This session emphasised integrity and transparency as key pillars of program success. 

Through the Learning Forum, the INKLUSI Secretariat aims to enhance the capacity and synergy among its partners to support inclusive development in Indonesia. The collaboration and exchange of experiences are invaluable in ensuring that no one is left behind in the pursuit of an inclusive society. 

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