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This research report, titled “Women’s Empowerment in the Agricultural Sector,” was prepared and published by the Centre for Cooperation and Development Management at Universitas Airlangga (BKMP UNAIR) in collaboration with ‘Aisyiyah, with support from the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI).

The research aims to understand the contributions of women in the agricultural sector, evaluate the economic and non-economic challenges they face, and develop policy recommendations to support their empowerment, improve their welfare, and enhance their productivity in agriculture. The research was conducted in four regions: Probolinggo (East Java), Garut (West Java), Kolaka (Southeast Sulawesi), and Lahat (South Sumatra), which are areas of focus for ‘Aisyiyah under the INKLUSI Program.

The information presented in this publication is the responsibility of the production team and does not represent the views of the Indonesian Government or the Australian Government.

(Only available in Indonesian)


This policy brief is the result of research titled “Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture,” prepared and published by the Centre for Cooperation and Development Management at Universitas Airlangga (BKMP UNAIR) in collaboration with ‘Aisyiyah, with support from the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI).

The research aims to understand the contributions of women in the agricultural sector, evaluate the economic and non-economic challenges they face, and develop policy recommendations to support their empowerment, improve their welfare, and enhance their productivity in agriculture. The research was conducted in four regions: Probolinggo (East Java), Garut (West Java), Kolaka (Southeast Sulawesi), and Lahat (South Sumatra), which are areas of focus for ‘Aisyiyah under the INKLUSI Program.

The information presented in this publication is the responsibility of the production team and does not represent the views of the Indonesian Government or the Australian Government.

(Only available in Indonesian)


This policy brief is based on research conducted by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University (FISIPOL UGM) in collaboration with Civil Society Organisations partners ‘Aisyiyah, Yayasan BaKTI, KAPAL Perempuan, PKBI, SIGAB, PR YAKKUM, with support from the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI).

This research aims to identify the challenges in achieving inclusion in public policy and services and to understand the factors that contribute to exclusive policies toward marginalised groups. This policy brief recommends strengthening policy-making processes through meaningful participation, enhancing policy implementation through supplementary regulations and improved disaggregated data, and mainstreaming Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) values to promote an inclusive perspective among stakeholders.

The information presented in this publication is the responsibility of the production team and does not represent the views of the Indonesian Government or the Australian Government.

(Only available in Indonesian)


This policy brief is based on research conducted by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University (FISIPOL UGM) in collaboration with Civil Society Organisations partners ‘Aisyiyah, Yayasan BaKTI, KAPAL Perempuan, PKBI, SIGAB, PR YAKKUM, with support from the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI).

This research aims to understand the main barriers in promoting Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) at the regional level, specifically in three provinces—Aceh, DI Yogyakarta, and South Sulawesi—regarding marginalised groups’ access to basic services, economic resources, representation in decision-making processes, and their social status as equal citizens. This policy brief recommends three approaches: linking redistribution and representation efforts with meaningful recognition to reduce stigma against marginalised groups, framing inclusion work as a civic responsibility, and applying an intersectional and multisectoral approach in the formulation and implementation of inclusion programs.

The information presented in this publication is the responsibility of the production team and does not represent the views of the Indonesian Government or the Australian Government.

(Only available in Indonesian)


This book is the result of research prepared and published by Cakra Wikara Indonesia (CWI) as a research partner, in collaboration with Civil Society Organisation partners KAPAL Perempuan, ‘Aisyiyah, and PEKKA,  with support from the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI).

This research aims to provide information on the diverse structural challenges in implementing the Sexual Violence Crime Law (UU TPKS) and to encourage synergistic multi-stakeholder cooperation in improving the handling of sexual violence in Indonesia.

The information presented in this publication is the responsibility of the production team and does not represent the views of the Indonesian Government or the Australian Government.

(Only available in Indonesian)


This policy brief is based on research conducted by the International Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS), in collaboration with the Aceh Provincial Office of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (DP3A) and Balai Syura Ureung Inong Aceh, with support from the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI). This research is aim to support the development of the Regional Strategy for the Prevention of Child Marriage (PPA) in Aceh Province.

The information presented in this publication is the responsibility of the production team and does not represent the views of the Indonesian Government or the Australian Government.

(Only available in Indonesian)


Yayasan BaKTI, in collaboration with the Makassar Independent Journalists Alliance (AJI), has developed the Journalists’ Guide to Writing with a Gender, Disability, and Social Inclusion Perspective.

This guide aims to serve as a resource for journalists in writing articles that help reduce stigma and stereotypes surrounding women, children, people with disabilities, marginalised groups, and vulnerable individuals. It also seeks to contribute to positive journalism that supports advocacy efforts to realise the rights of these groups.

(Only available in Indonesian)


This book is designed to serve as a guide for civil society organisations (CSOs), electoral activists, and the general public in promoting the holding of elections, electoral activists, and the general public in promoting inclusive electoral
election activists, and the general public in promoting inclusive elections from planning, implementation and post-election.

The point of writing this book is to realise the implementation of general elections in Indonesia that truly provides equal access to all citizens with their diverse identities to exercise their voting rights.

Admittedly, in the process of organising elections so far, the meaning of inclusiveness has only been aimed at groups with disabilities, but has not paid serious attention to marginalised groups and other vulnerable groups such as indigenous peoples, remote communities, illiterate communities, the elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers and migrant workers who work abroad. Even when election organisers claim to have paid attention to the needs of persons with disabilities, there are still many problems in the field.

For this reason, the quality of elections for persons with disabilities, marginalised groups and other vulnerable groups still needs to be improved.

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