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INKLUSI collaborates with the government and civil society organisations (CSOs) to advance gender equality, fulfil the rights of persons with disabilities, and promote social inclusion. As part of its intersectional approach, the program specifically targets persons with disabilities who face multiple layers of vulnerability.

Supporting Indonesia’s national development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), INKLUSI fosters policies and initiatives that ensure the active participation of persons with disabilities (PwDs) in development, particularly in four key issues: improving access to basic services, protection from violence, economic recovery and sustainable livelihoods, and active participation in development.

Learn more about our work in Disability Inclusion through this document.


Inclusion Center and Advocacy Movement for the Disabled (SIGAB Indonesia) is a key Civil Society Organisation (CSO) partner of INKLUSI, dedicated to advocating for of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in Indonesia. As a Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO), SIGAB works to build an inclusive and equitable society through both structural and local approaches. 

Through the INKLUSI Program, SIGAB implements the Strengthening Social Inclusion for Disability Equity and Rights (SOLIDER) Program. This initiative focuses on enhancing PwDs’ access to inclusive employment, supporting economic recovery, and fostering participation in decision-making processes. The program also aims to empower PwD and promote an environment that supports understanding and social acceptance of disability inclusion.  Through collaborative efforts, advocacy, and empowerment activities, SIGAB is committed to ensuring the fulfillment of PwDs’ rights and their equal opportunities in development. 

Learn more about SIGAB’s profile in this document.


The GEDSI Handbook 1-3 has been developed to meet the need for a comprehensive guide to strengthen the implementation of gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) mainstreaming. It is designed specifically for INKLUSI partners, the INKLUSI Secretariat, and other stakeholders involved in the program, tailored to their respective needs.


The handbook is intended to serve the following purposes: 

A One-Stop Reference:

Providing foundational concepts, definitions, Indonesia’s commitments, as well as national and international policy and legal frameworks for achieving GEDSI. It also includes strategies, approaches, analytical tools, and practical steps for GEDSI mainstreaming, covering design, planning and budgeting, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

Awareness Raising and Understanding:

Enhancing awareness and understanding of the importance of GEDSI mainstreaming to ensure no one is left behind in creating an inclusive society and achieving sustainable development goals.

Human Resource Capacity Development:

Supporting the development of human resource capacity to implement GEDSI-responsive policies, programs, budgets, and activities.

Organisational Strengthening: 

Improving organisational systems, capacity, and governance through GEDSI-based approaches. This includes fostering continuous learning processes that respect the rights and dignity of all individuals, grounded in human rights principles.

Commitment and Accountability Strengthening:

Reinforcing the commitment and accountability of INKLUSI partners and other relevant stakeholders to gender equality, disability inclusion, and social inclusion, in line with their respective roles and responsibilities.


Supporting the achievement of fair, equal, inclusive, and sustainable development outcomes for all.


The GEDSI Handbook 1-3 has been developed to meet the need for a comprehensive guide to strengthen the implementation of gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) mainstreaming. It is designed specifically for INKLUSI partners, the INKLUSI Secretariat, and other stakeholders involved in the program, tailored to their respective needs.


The handbook is intended to serve the following purposes: 

A One-Stop Reference:

Providing foundational concepts, definitions, Indonesia’s commitments, as well as national and international policy and legal frameworks for achieving GEDSI. It also includes strategies, approaches, analytical tools, and practical steps for GEDSI mainstreaming, covering design, planning and budgeting, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

Awareness Raising and Understanding:

Enhancing awareness and understanding of the importance of GEDSI mainstreaming to ensure no one is left behind in creating an inclusive society and achieving sustainable development goals.

Human Resource Capacity Development:

Supporting the development of human resource capacity to implement GEDSI-responsive policies, programs, budgets, and activities.

Organisational Strengthening: 

Improving organisational systems, capacity, and governance through GEDSI-based approaches. This includes fostering continuous learning processes that respect the rights and dignity of all individuals, grounded in human rights principles.

Commitment and Accountability Strengthening:

Reinforcing the commitment and accountability of INKLUSI partners and other relevant stakeholders to gender equality, disability inclusion, and social inclusion, in line with their respective roles and responsibilities.


Supporting the achievement of fair, equal, inclusive, and sustainable development outcomes for all.


Handbook on Implementing Gender, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) Mainstreaming Strategies in Development (Books 1-3)

The GEDSI Handbook 1-3 has been developed to meet the need for a comprehensive guide to strengthen the implementation of gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) mainstreaming. It is designed specifically for INKLUSI partners, the INKLUSI Secretariat, and other stakeholders involved in the program, tailored to their respective needs.


The handbook is intended to serve the following purposes: 

A One-Stop Reference:

Providing foundational concepts, definitions, Indonesia’s commitments, as well as national and international policy and legal frameworks for achieving GEDSI. It also includes strategies, approaches, analytical tools, and practical steps for GEDSI mainstreaming, covering design, planning and budgeting, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

Awareness Raising and Understanding:

Enhancing awareness and understanding of the importance of GEDSI mainstreaming to ensure no one is left behind in creating an inclusive society and achieving sustainable development goals.

Human Resource Capacity Development:

Supporting the development of human resource capacity to implement GEDSI-responsive policies, programs, budgets, and activities.

Organisational Strengthening: 

Improving organisational systems, capacity, and governance through GEDSI-based approaches. This includes fostering continuous learning processes that respect the rights and dignity of all individuals, grounded in human rights principles.

Commitment and Accountability Strengthening:

Reinforcing the commitment and accountability of INKLUSI partners and other relevant stakeholders to gender equality, disability inclusion, and social inclusion, in line with their respective roles and responsibilities.


Supporting the achievement of fair, equal, inclusive, and sustainable development outcomes for all.



This research report is the result of the study titled “Analysis of the Implementation of Healthcare Services for Persons with Disabilities (Physical and Sensory) in Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC)”, prepared and published by the Centre for Health Policy and Management (PKMK) at Universitas Gadjah Mada, in collaboration with SIGAB and the YAKKUM Rehabilitation Centre, with support from the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI).

The study aims to examine the conditions affecting access to and utilisation of healthcare services for persons with disabilities and to promote improvements to the health service system to make it more inclusive in Indonesia.

The information presented in this publication is the responsibility of the production team and does not represent the views of the Indonesian Government or the Australian Government.

(Only available in Indonesian)


This policy brief is the result of the study titled “Analysis of the Implementation of Healthcare Services for Persons with Disabilities (Physical and Sensory) in Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC)”, prepared and published by the Centre for Health Policy and Management (PKMK) at Universitas Gadjah Mada, in collaboration with SIGAB and YAKKUM Rehabilitation Centre, with support from the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI).

The policy brief aims to provide guidance for policymakers and civil society organisations to promote inclusive healthcare access for persons with disabilities in Indonesia.

The information presented in this publication is the responsibility of the production team and does not represent the views of the Indonesian Government or the Australian Government.

(Only available in Indonesian)


This policy brief is based on the study “Social Care in Indonesia: Advancing Gender Equality and Social Inclusion through a Comprehensive Social Care System”, prepared and published by the Centre on Child Protection and Wellbeing (PUSKAPA UI) at Universitas Indonesia, with support from the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI).

The policy brief aims to guide policymakers and civil society organisations in promoting a comprehensive and inclusive social care system, particularly for vulnerable groups.

The information presented in this publication is the responsibility of the production team and does not represent the views of the Indonesian Government or the Australian Government.

(Only available in Indonesian)

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