Adelfina, known as Adel, is a passionate advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and a driving force behind inclusive development in her village in East Nusa Tenggara. As a Disability Paralegal and Secretary of the disability group “Mim Nau Kai,” or “Remember Us,” she ensures that the voices of people with disabilities are heard in village policy discussions.
Support from the Sasana Inklusi dan Gerakan Advokasi Difabel (SIGAB) through the INKLUSI Program has provided Adel and her group members with opportunities to strengthen their capacity. They have received advocacy training and assistance in accessing civil documentation, which was previously difficult to obtain. This involvement has encouraged Adel to take an even more active role in fighting for the rights of her community.
Before joining the disability group in 2022, Adel rarely participated in village activities. However, through various training sessions and mentoring, she gained a deeper understanding of her rights and became actively involved. Her confidence grew, and she was eventually trusted to take on the role of Disability Paralegal in her village.
I used to feel insecure and hesitant. But after joining the disability group, I became more confident in socialising, engaging with the community, and contributing to village development. This has empowered me to keep growing, Adel shared.
As a Disability Paralegal, Adel plays a key role in assisting vulnerable groups, particularly people with disabilities, in advocating for their rights. She acts as a mediator in resolving disputes at the village level and actively promotes inclusive policies to the broader community. Her dedication and passion also led to her being appointed Secretary of the disability group, where she manages administration, keeps records of members, and coordinates programs that benefit the community.
Today, Adel is widely recognised as a determined advocate for social inclusion in her village. Her journey demonstrates that with the right support and opportunities, every individual, including people with disabilities, can contribute to development and ensure that no one is left behind.