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#16DaysOfActivism: Collaboration to Eliminate Gender Based Violence

#16DaysOfActivism: Collaboration to Eliminate Gender Based Violence

Dewi Natalia Noya is the Head of the Women and Children Protection Unit (UPPA) at the Parepare City Police Resort (Polres), South Sulawesi. She is a key local stakeholder engaged by INKLUSI’s CSO partner, Yayasan BaKTI, in handling cases of violence against women and children. Dewi serves as an advisor to the Constituent Group, a community-based initiative established by BaKTI that focuses on addressing violence against women and children and improving access to social protection services.

She has actively collaborated and supported the capacity enhancement of Constituent Groups and paralegals, particularly by serving knowledge on handling cases of violence against women and children, domestic violence, child marriage, and sexual harassment, as well as cases involving children in conflict with the law.

Through INKLUSI, Yayasan BaKTI continues to foster synergy with various stakeholders to address violence against women and children and enhance access to social protection services for persons with disabilities and other marginalised groups.

Source: Yayasan BaKTI (story from INKLUSI Partnership Forum 2023 and BaKTI’s book about Best Practices of the Constituent Group – to be published soon)

About Yayasan BaKTI and INKLUSI


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