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#16DaysOfActivism: Building Self Confidence to Support Community in Ambon

Nini Kusniati is a Secretary of the Kelompok Konstituen (Constituent Group) in Negeri Batu Merah, Ambon. Constituent Groups is a community-based network involving key figures such as religious leaders, community leaders, women cadres, youth, people with disabilities, elderly, and other marginalised groups, which aims to strive for the rights and interests of various groups through policy advocacy, encourage inclusive programs, and access to responsive social services.

The group is active in organising communities, strengthening its members’ capacities, advocating inclusive policies, and providing protection services for victims of violence through Complaint Posts, which offer case handling assistance and involvement in decision-making forums at village level.

Through INKLUSI, Yayasan BaKTI continues to build synergy with various stakeholders to address violence against women and children and to improve access to social protection services for people with disabilities and other marginalised groups.

Source: Yayasan BaKTI (story from the book about Best Practices of the Constituent Group – to be published soon)

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