As part of its commitment to promoting more inclusive policies, the Australia-Indonesia Partnership for an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI) Secretariat, in collaboration with its Civil Society Organisation (CSO) partners, hosted the ‘Media Dialogue: Strengthening Inclusive Policies in Indonesia’ in March 2025 in Jakarta.
The media plays a strategic role in shaping public discourse, driving social change, and strengthening commitments to inclusivity. This dialogue underscored the importance of a multi-stakeholder approach in advancing policies based on Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI).
The event featured speakers from INKLUSI partners, including ‘Aisyiyah, Sasana Inklusi dan Gerakan Advokasi Difabel (SIGAB) Indonesia, the Foundation for Women-Headed Household Empowerment (PEKKA), and KEMITRAAN. These organisations shared their experiences and initiatives in expanding access to essential services, strengthening economic resilience, preventing violence, and promoting inclusive participation in development. Their efforts aim to ensure that vulnerable women, people with disabilities, Indigenous communities, and other marginalised groups have equal rights and opportunities.
Kate Shanahan, INKLUSI’s Team Leader, emphasised that strengthening GEDSI issues is not merely about meeting statistical targets but about fostering sustainable policy changes.
When GEDSI issues are integrated into policies over the long term, we can be optimistic about social changes that ensure every individual has equal opportunities to contribute and benefit from development, she stated.
Kate also highlighted that multi-stakeholder collaboration, including partnerships with CSOs, is key to helping the government achieve its inclusion targets more effectively and sustainably.
Tri Hastuti Nur Rochimah, Secretary-General of ‘Aisyiyah, noted that while national policies have accommodated GEDSI principles, the next challenge is ensuring their effective implementation on the ground.
“Strong collaboration is essential to ensure that inclusive policies are not just written in documents but are implemented effectively, delivering broad benefits to all levels of society,” she explained.
Echoing this, Joni Yulianto, Executive Director of SIGAB Indonesia, stressed that people with disabilities still face various challenges in accessing equal opportunities across different aspects of life, including education, employment, and participation in decision-making.
Through the INKLUSI Program, we advocate for policies that ensure accessibility, non-discrimination, and capacity-building for people with disabilities, so they can enjoy equal rights and opportunities alongside others, Joni stated.
Sustaining inclusive development requires strong collaboration between various stakeholders. INKLUSI remains committed to strengthening these partnerships to drive meaningful and lasting change. Through this dialogue, INKLUSI hopes that national media will play a more active role in mainstreaming GEDSI issues—both by raising public awareness and by reinforcing advocacy efforts for more inclusive policies.