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Celebrating National Children’s Day at Kupang Juvenile Correctional Facility

Donning the LPKA uniform, the LPKA children gathered and presented art performances such as a play, stand-up comedy, musical, and dance performance. At the end of the performances and after dinner, a vote for the most entertaining performance was held. Currently, Kupang LPKA is hosting 24 children, one of which is a girl. The girl with the initials M was only 15 years old when she arrived at Kupang LPKA in October 2021. M was put into Kupang LPKA and charged with murder – which ironically she did in self-defense as she was about to be raped. This case left M to be under the threat of 7 years of imprisonment. Currently, M’s case is being reviewed and it is hoped that the sentence will be reduced. The review is assisted by the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection. M said that she was initially offered to be transferred to a women’s correctional facility. However, M rejected the offer as she feels safer being with friends her age at the LPKA. M also shared that she’s learning handicrafts at LPKA. “I hope that after I’m released, I can have a business, become a seamstress, and just help my parents,” said M when she was asked about her aspirations. M’s aspirations had changed. Before being put into the LPKA, she was once dreaming to be a doctor. “Now, not anymore,” said M. M’s case was only one out of the many stories at LPKA. National Children’s Day shouldn’t just be a celebration, but also a reminder that many children

On 21 July 2022, the INKLUSI Secretariat together with INKLUSI Partner the Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI) visited the Kupang Juvenile Correctional Centre (LPKA) in NTT Province to commemorate National Children’s Day which falls on 23 July. Currently, Kupang LPKA has 24 children in their care. The centre provides children the opportunity to engage in physical activity, handicraft activities, and training to build their vocational skills. To celebrate Children’s Day, they held performances and camped in tents in the LPKA field.

Through INKLUSI, PKBI works with Undana to provide psychological support to children at the centre and facilitates access to other essential government services and programs including legal identity. Together with PKBI, the Office of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection has assisted Kupang LPKA in establishing a Children’s Forum and Family Forum and is assisting a 15-year-old girl with her case review.  A child from LPKA Kupang Children’s Forum has been selected as the ambassador for the Kupang District Children’s Forum. With INKLUSI support, PKBI will continue to collaborate with the Kupang centre, the private sector, and the community to assist children after they leave the facility through appropriate training and skills development, building a peer support system, and reconnecting with families.

National Children’s Day is a reminder that many children are still in need of protection and that we still have a great deal of work to do together for children’s protection.


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