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Australian Deputy Ambassador’s Visit Strengthens Disability Inclusion in Balikpapan

The Australian Deputy Ambassador to Indonesia to Indonesia, Gita Kamath, had a discussion with representatives from Organisation of People with Disability (OPD) in Balikpapan.

The Australian Deputy Ambassador to Indonesia, Ms Gita Kamath, visited Balikpapan on 25 April 2024 to review the progress of the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI) program activities implemented by civil society organisation partners, Inclusion Center and Advocacy Movement for the Disabled (SIGAB) Indonesia.

The visit was part of the Anzac Day commemorations, during which Ms Kamath also met with the Mayor of Balikpapan, Rahmad Mas’ud, engaged with Australian business representatives and alumni, and observed infrastructure development around the new capital city.

Ms Kamath and her team had a discussion with the Mayor of Balikpapan, Rahmad Mas'ud.
Ms Kamath and her team had a discussion with the Mayor of Balikpapan, Rahmad Mas’ud.

Ms Kamath observed the implementation of the Strengthening Social Inclusion for Disability Equity and Rights (SOLIDER) program led by SIGAB Indonesia. This program focuses on improving access to inclusive employment for persons with disabilities, supporting economic recovery efforts, and enhancing their participation in decision-making and development processes.

She stated that the Indonesia-Australia partnership, through INKLUSI, supports the national strategy to improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities. In her opening remarks, she emphasised that creating an inclusive society, where everyone has equal opportunities, will benefit all parties.

Australian Deputy Ambassador's Visit Strengthens Disability Inclusion in Balikpapan - INKLUSI
Joni Yulianto, Director of SIGAB Indonesia (right), together with Ms Gita Kamath (centre) and a representative from the local government of Balikpapan (left), took a group photo during the opening ceremony.

The Director of SIGAB Indonesia, Mr M. Joni Yulianto, explained that SIGAB had established disability groups at the village level (KDK) in various areas. These groups provide a platform for people with disabilities to share their aspirations, advocate for their rights, and participate in village-level development planning discussions. Additionally, SIGAB has been working to strengthen Disability Service Units in the employment sector, improve the accessibility of public services, and support inclusive education to open more job opportunities for people with disabilities.

In East Kalimantan, SIGAB has set up 12 KDKs across 12 villages, including six in Balikpapan and six in Samarinda. The KDKs in Balikpapan, located in the villages of Gunung Sari Ilir, Gunung Sari Ulu, Manggar, Manggar Baru, Telaga Sari, and Prapatan, actively engage in various skill enhancement and empowerment initiatives for their members. These efforts are supported by collaborative partnerships with both private and public organisations working alongside SIGAB.

Australian Deputy Ambassador's Visit Strengthens Disability Inclusion in Balikpapan - INKLUSI
Ms Kamath visited a micro-enterprise exhibition managed by the disability community and the DIF-ABLE Kiosk.

Ms Kamath also engaged in discussions with local government officials and KDK members on disability inclusion efforts in Balikpapan. She visited a micro-enterprise exhibition managed by the disability community and the DIF-ABLE Kiosk, a collaborative space and entrepreneurship hub for individuals with disabilities in Balikpapan.

This visit reaffirms the INKLUSI program’s commitment to building a more inclusive future for people with disabilities in Indonesia. It provided an opportunity to better understand the challenges faced by the disability community and to strengthen multi-stakeholder collaboration in creating an inclusive society.

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