Testimonies from indigenous women from Mau Ramba village, East Sumba district, on their experiences participating in the Women’s Forum (Forum Perempuan) and hamlet planning meetings (Musyawarah Dusun or Musdus). This work was supported by Bumi Lestari, Kemitraan’s local Mitra. These testimonies were gathered on 5 December 2023 during an INKLUSI Secretariat monitoring visit.
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Testimonies from marginalised women in Jruek Bale village, Aceh Besar district, about the economic benefits from their participation in PEKKA’s Akademi Paradigta course. These testimonies were gathered on 4 November 2023 during an INKLUSI Secretariat monitoring visit.
INKLUSI is working with 4 civil society organisations and their networks in South Sulawesi Eastern Indonesia Knowledge Exchange Foundaton (BaKTI), Institute for Women’s Alternative Education (KAPAL Perempuan), Partnership for Governance Reform (Kemitraan), and the Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI) – to progress their work to ensure all Indonesians can access services, participate in development, be protected from violence, and participate in the economy. These civil society partners are also advocating and collaborating with government agencies to ensure that the evidence, lessons and experience of marginalised groups are heard and considered when decisions or policies are made that affect them.
NKLUSI is working with 6 civil society organisations and their networks in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) – Eastern Indonesia Knowledge Exchange Foundation (BaKTI), Institute for Women’s Alternative Education (KAPAL Perempuan), Institute for the Study and Development of Human Resources (Lakpesdam), Indonesian Association for Migrant Workers Sovereignty (Migrant CARE), Foundation for Empowerment of Women Heads of Family (PEKKA), and YAKKUM Rehabilitation Center (PR YAKKUM) – to progress their work to ensure all Indonesians can access services, participate in development, be protected from violence, and participate in the economy. These civil society partners are also advocating and collaborating with government agencies to ensure that the evidence, lessons, and experience of marginalised groups are heard and considered when decisions or policies are made that affect them.
INKLUSI is working with 7 civil society organisations and their networks in East Java – ‘Aisyiyah, Institute for Women’s Alternative Education (KAPAL Perempuan), Institute for the Study and Development of Human Resources (Lakpesdam), Migrant CARE, Foundation for Empowerment of Women Heads of Family (PEKKA), Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI), and Disability Inclusion Centre and Advocacy Movement (SIGAB) – to progress their work to ensure all Indonesians can access services, participate in development, be protected from violence, and participate in the economy. These civil society partners are also advocating and collaborating with government agencies to ensure that the evidence, lessons, and experience of marginalised groups are heard and considered when decisions or policies are made that affect them.
INKLUSI is working with 9 civil society organisations and their networks in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) – Disability Inclusion Centre and Advocacy Movement (SIGAB), Eastern Indonesia Knowledge Exchange Foundation (BaKTI), Foundation for Empowerment of Women Heads of Family (PEKKA), Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI) Institute for Women’s Alternative Education (KAPAL Perempuan), Migrant CARE, Institute for the Study and Development of Human Resources (Lakpesdam), Partnership for Governance Reform (Kemitraan), and Yakkum Rehabilitation Centre – to progress their work to ensure all Indonesians can access services, participate in development, be protected from violence and participate in the economy.
The Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society, or INKLUSI, is working to increase theparticipation of marginalised groups in, and their benefit from, Indonesia’s socio-cultural, economic and politicaldevelopment. INKLUSI works with government and civil society partners to advance their work in gender equality, therights of persons with disabilities and social inclusion. INKLUSI supports the Government of Indonesia’s agenda forinclusion, including through national development plans and the Sustainable Development Goals.
INKLUSI is an 8-year (2021-2029) bilateral Australian and Indonesian Government program with a budget of up to AUD120 million. It is partnering with 11 Indonesian civil society organisations, 8 research partner institutions and theirnetworks across 32 provinces, 120 district/cities, 686 villages in Indonesia.
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The Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society, or INKLUSI, is working to increase the participation of marginalised groups in, and their benefit from, Indonesia’s socio-cultural, economic and political development. INKLUSI works with government and civil society partners to advance their work in gender equality, the rights of persons with disabilities and social inclusion.
INKLUSI supports the Government of Indonesia’s agenda for inclusion, including through national development plans and the Sustainable Development Goals.
INKLUSI is a five-year bilateral Australian and Indonesian Government program (up to A$75 million over 2021-2026) with a possible 3-year extension of up to A$45 million (2026-2029). It is partnering with 11 Indonesian civil society organisations, 8 research partner institutions and their networks across 32 provinces, >120 districts, and >800 villages in Indonesia.