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The Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society, or INKLUSI, is working to increase theparticipation of marginalised groups in, and their benefit from, Indonesia’s socio-cultural, economic and politicaldevelopment. INKLUSI works with government and civil society partners to advance their work in gender equality, therights of persons with disabilities and social inclusion. INKLUSI supports the Government of Indonesia’s agenda forinclusion, including through national development plans and the Sustainable Development Goals.

INKLUSI is an 8-year (2021-2029) bilateral Australian and Indonesian Government program with a budget of up to AUD120 million. It is partnering with 11 Indonesian civil society organisations, 8 research partner institutions and theirnetworks across 32 provinces, 120 district/cities, 686 villages in Indonesia.

Read our newsletter to know our activities during 2023


The  Australia-Indonesia  Partnership  Towards  an  Inclusive  Society,  or  INKLUSI,  is  working  to  increase  the participation of marginalised groups in, and their benefit from, Indonesia’s socio-cultural, economic and political development. INKLUSI works with government and civil society partners to advance their work in gender equality, the rights of persons with disabilities and social inclusion.

INKLUSI supports the Government of Indonesia’s agenda for inclusion, including through national development priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals .

INKLUSI is an 8-year (2021-2029), AUD 120 million Australian Government program. It is partnering with 11 Indonesian civil society organisations, 8 research partner institutions and their networks.


Explore the transformative impact of INKLUSI in Indonesia during the period of January – June 2023. Delve into the comprehensive infographics highlighting key achievements, innovations, and milestones of this groundbreaking initiative. Discover how INKLUSI is reshaping inclusivity landscapes across the nation, fostering empowerment, and driving social change.

Download now to witness the journey of progress and empowerment.


Explore the transformative impact of INKLUSI in Indonesia during 2022. Delve into the comprehensive infographics highlighting key achievements, innovations, and milestones of this groundbreaking initiative. Discover how INKLUSI is reshaping inclusivity landscapes across the nation, fostering empowerment, and driving social change.

Download now to witness the journey of progress and empowerment.

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