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PKMK UGM – Research Report: Analysis of the Implementation of Healthcare Services for Persons with Disabilities (Physical and Sensory) in Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

This research report is the result of the study titled “Analysis of the Implementation of Healthcare Services for Persons with Disabilities (Physical and Sensory) in Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC)”, prepared and published by the Centre for Health Policy and Management (PKMK) at Universitas Gadjah Mada, in collaboration with SIGAB and the YAKKUM Rehabilitation Centre, with support from the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI).

The study aims to examine the conditions affecting access to and utilisation of healthcare services for persons with disabilities and to promote improvements to the health service system to make it more inclusive in Indonesia.

The information presented in this publication is the responsibility of the production team and does not represent the views of the Indonesian Government or the Australian Government.

(Only available in Indonesian)

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