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AUSTRALASIAN AID CONFERENCE: “Harnessing Transformative Gender Action to Influence National Policy in Indonesia” (Panel 3a)

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The Australasian Aid Conference (AAC) unites researchers from across Australia, the Pacific, Asia and beyond who are working on aid and international development policy (the AID in the conference acronym) to share insights, promote collaboration, and support development within the research community. The AAC has established itself as Australia’s premier aid and development conference.

Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI) together with Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) and Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, Indonesia (KPPPA) of Indonesia, will be hosted a panel in AAC:

“Panel 3a – Harnessing transformative gender action to influence national policy in Indonesia”

This panel explores how Indonesian feminist and women’s civil society organisations have used collective action to take transformative gender action in the creation of Indonesia’s national medium- and long term development strategies. The inaugural National Women’s Development Consultation (Musyawarah Perempuan) in 2023 provided a unique opportunity for women and Civil Society Organisations across Indonesia to influence development of the two strategies and to share grassroots initiatives that promote gender equality and social inclusion. For many women involved with Musyawarah Perempuan, it was their first experience in contributing to a national policy making process.

Dr. Endah Trista Agustiana
Senior GEDSI Advisor, Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (INKLUSI)


  1. Lenny Rosalin
    Deputy Minister for Gender Equality, Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (MOWECP)
  2. Qurrota A’yun
    Acting Director for Family, Women, Children, Youth and Sports, Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS)
  3. Misiyah
    Chair of the Executive Board KAPAL Perempuan

Date and place:
Wed, 6 Dec 2023
3.30-5.00pm (AEDT/GMT+11)
At Molonglo Theatre, Crawford School of Public Policy
Canberra, Australia

Registration for onsite audience:
If you have any queries about registration types, please contact at

Live streaming on Youtube:


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