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INKLUSI Joint Monitoring Field Visit in East Nusa Tenggara

INKLUSI Joint Monitoring Field Visit in East Nusa Tenggara

On September 11-12, 2023, INKLUSI Secretariat together with representatives from DFAT, and BAPPENAS visited Meorumba Village in East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. One of INKLUSI’s working area through its working partner KEMITRAAN and local partner Lembaga Bumi Lestari.

This visit aimed to see the progress made in supporting masyarakat adat communities, particularly in opening access to basic services, development participation, and economic empowerment. During the two-day visit, the joint team visited local government and masyarakat adat communities.

Key attendees included Subandi Sardjoko, Senior Expert Planner from BAPPENAS and team, Madeleine Moss, Minister Counsellor for Governance and Human Development at the Australian Embassy, and Felicity Lane, First Secretary at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), alongside local stakeholders.

INKLUSI Joint Monitoring Field Visit in East Nusa Tenggara

During the visit to local government, Madeleine Moss stressed the importance of assisting masyarakat adat communities in obtaining ID card (KTP), which is crucial for accessing essential services.

Meanwhile, Subandi Sardjoko highlighted the collaborative efforts of BAPPENAS, DFAT, and other partners in enhancing women’s participation in development processes and protecting women and children from violence. “BAPPENAS collaborates with DFAT and other development partners to support the establishment of systems to enhance women’s participation in development and protect women and children from violence,” said Subandi in one of the meetings.

During the visit, the Marapu masyarakat adat community groups shared their experiences and benefits from the INKLUSI Program during a participatory discussion at Meorumba Village.

INKLUSI Joint Monitoring Field Visit in East Nusa Tenggara

One of woman participant in discussion from masyarakat adat Marapu said, “Now we have the confidence to participate in the village development process and share what women and childrens needs are”, expressed her to the local government and monitoring visit teams.

This joint monitoring initiative provides a platform for dialogue and input from local communities, supporting partnership between government, local civil society groups and communities and policy improvements to empower masyarakat adat communities in remote areas.

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